We find missing emails for your prospect lists

Turn your prospects into real leads...

I want emails!

Send us your prospect list

We'll automatically add emails

Close more deals

"EmailSalesList was HUGE in last minute conference preparation. Saved a ton of money, and turned around a campaign same day."

- John K. CEO DecisionDesk

Sounds good, where do I start?

Enter your business email and we'll be in touch!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?

$0.02 per record + $0.15 per email (USD)

How long does it take to process?

Typical turnaround time is < 24 hours

What is the minimum number of leads you process?

100 records per file

What if I have a lot of lists?

The more the merrier. You like to close business...right?

What kind of files can I send?

Excel, Numbers (Mac), or CSV with column headers = First Name, Last Name & Company. Feel free to send other data (i.e. - unique id for CRM import)

How do I pay?

We'll invoice you on job completion and you can pay via Credit Card or PayPal

How does it work?

We partner with the leading email providers to append email addresses to your sales lead marketing list.

I have more questions, who do I contact? Send an email to mark@emailsaleslist.com please